RAD 140 l Sarms for Ultimate Lean Gaining l 90 Capsules (Research only – rawrage.in

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RAD 140 l Sarms for Ultimate Lean Gaining l 90 Capsules (Research only)

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Warning: All SARMs Information Displayed by RawRage is for Research & Lab purposes only. 

What Is RAD140?

RAD140. was first developed by Radius Pharmaceuticals. This SARM is generally referred to as Testolone. RAD140 comes in the category of SARM(Selective Androgen Receptor Module Simulators) which is non-Steroidal.The best thing about this compound/salt is that it acts as a powerhouse when it is taken by fitness Athletes.

Why To Use RAD140

  • RAD140 can somewhat give you similar benefits as comparing it with other steroids like Testosterone And Trenbolone.
  • In this world, there are many fitness Athletes who fear injecting themselves quite often that's why they go for an easy option to get this salt/compound's benefit by consuming it in tablet form.

Who Can Use RAD140

  • RAD140 can be used by both Men and Women.
  • In Men, RAD140 can build an immense amount of lean muscle mass and strength by cutting/shredding down some amounts of fat.
  • In Women, RAD140 can also build a satisfying amount of lean muscle mass and strength capacity as compared to men when it’s taken in proper and recommended dosage.

When To Take RAD140?

  • As we know, RAD140 is a powerhouse SARM for building up lean muscle mass, for getting the benefits of the extreme level of strength and also shredding down/cutting down fat. So, let’s discuss these three qualities in below-mentioned points.
  • LEAN MUSCLE MASS To achieve lean gaining and bulky physique with this SARM RAD140, you should consume this SARM in 10mg dosage after breakfast/after meals, and 10mg dosage before/pre-workout will do the required job for Athletes by giving them satisfied gaining results.
  • STRENGTH Its been seen that you can get a high level of strength by consuming RAD140. Taking a dose of 10mg between any time of day and pre /before workout 10mg will give you the desirable results.
  • FATLOSS RAD140 also helps you in your cutting phases by leaning you down while holding your build up muscle mass. The best time of taking this SARM for fat loss can be consuming it in the early morning in an empty stomach in 10mg dose and pre/before a workout in 10mg dose. Many Athletes gradually take/consume up to 30mg dose by consuming 20mg before they go for a workout.

How To Take RAD140?

  • Rawrage Enhancement make RAD140 by binding 10mg salt in capsules.
  • So, to get desirable and achievable results from this SARM, we recommend you to consume it in a 10-30mg dosage of this powerhouse.

Exercise Protocol In RAD140

  • For Building Lean Muscle Mass In Greater Extent Whenever you plan to opt for SARM RAD140 for Lean Gaining you can make up a proper mindset of doing more sets with fewer repetitions and also performing intense workouts in the gym. We recommend you to have a proper workout protocol so that your muscles get pumped up and you feel sore after the gym. A well-made pattern of performing _Supersets/Drop/Giant Sets/Pyramid and Rest-Pause Principle_ should be taken in consideration.
  • For Cutting/Shredding Down Fat In Greater Extent When you eagerly opt to use this powerful SARM for cutting fat from your body, then your workout pattern is like performing sets with more than 15-20 repetitions. The use of techniques like _Supersets and Drop Sets_ can give you a greater advantage in reaching your desired goal.
  • To Increase Intense Level Of Strength Gains To Increase strength in your body you can follow the best strength-building workout plan I .e.5×5. The combination of RAD140 with 5×5 will gives you the results in a few months.

Required Diet Protocol In RAD140?

  • When you are using this SARM for Lean Gaining/Bulking Up or to gain strength then you better make sure that you are consuming calories more than your maintenance calories i.e. going with the concept of Calorie Surplus Diet. It can be said in the form of The More You Eat The More You Grow.
  • When you are using RAD140 for getting the benefit of an adequate and significant amount of fat loss, you better make sure that you consume fewer calories than your maintenance calories i.e. Calorie Deficit.
  • The use of proteins in your diet is more beneficial because the more protein you consume, the more protein synthesis you run in your body and thus you retain more nitrogen.
  • Another beneficial thing in your diet can be consuming both the simple and complex carbohydrates in your diet in high amounts will give you the results of lean gaining and also a better level of strength gains. Consuming carbs in a lesser amount will be more beneficial in losing fat from your body.
  • For lean gaining and building strength, your macronutrient ratio split should be made as Protein- 50% Carbohydrates- 30% and Fats- 20% OR Protein 40% Carbohydrates-40% and Fats 20%.
  • For cutting/shredding, your macronutrient ratio should be 70% protein 20% fats and 10% carbs.
  • Maintaining and consuming fiber-rich foods in your diet will give you drastic results of fat loss.
  • You can also supplement it with creatine monohydrate so that you can bulk up fast.

Benefits Of Using RAD140

  • STRENGTH When you consume RAD140 you start noticing that your strength levels begin to spike up. It has been seen that they feel the strength from day one onwards which gradually keeps on increasing day by day.
  • LEAN GAINING RAD140 SARM is seen in increasing the good amount of muscle mass in a human’s body.
  • FAT LOSS Consuming RAD140 SARM for cut down/shred down fat is also a greater option to reach athletes’ desired goal.
  • NO AROMATISATION It has been seen and noticed that RAD140 doesn't convert to estrogen(female hormone) so there's no chance of gynecomastia to be found in men with this salt/compound.
  • The Anabolic to Androgenic Ratio of RAD140 is commonly seen as 90:1 which is very good comparatively in using Steroids.

Dark Side/Side Effects/Androgenic Properties Of Using RAD140?

  • Common side effects Acne has been found in rare cases in prolonged use of RAD140

Post Cycle Therapy Of RAD140?

  • Use Of SERMS (Selective Estrogen Receptor Module Simulators) like NOLVADEX (Tamoxifen Citrate) and CLOMID (Clomiphene Citrate) is used as optional in Post Cycle Therapy (PCT).
  • To gain maximum benefits and counter any side of side effects by using this SARM, then ON-CYCLE SUPPORT by Rawrage Enhancement will give you each by every ingredient to reduce or minimize the side effects.
  • ON-CYCLE SUPPORT is packed with testosterone support, Liver support, Bone Support, Estrogen blockers, antioxidants, and many more.

RAD140 Is Stacked With

  • For Gaining RAD140 is best stacked with LGD4033(Ligandrol or Anabolicum and also MK677(Nutrobol) to gain maximum benefits. The more you stack the more results you can notice in yourself.
  • For Cutting, RAD140 is best stacked with S4(Andarine), MK2866(Ostarine), also even with GW501516(Cardarine).
  • You can also buy Bulking, Cutting, Lean Gaining stacks by Rawrage Enhancement which is available for any type of users in rawrage.in

Is RAD140 Legal

  • RAD140 can be sold for research and educational purposes and is available all around the globe. Rawrage Enhancements offer a wide range of SARMs including RAD140 for such researches.
  • In this present generation, we can easily identify that SARMs can be sold as researched chemicals. Rawrage Enhancement mention in their label as "Use Only For Research Purposes.
  • Raw Materials are imported and are manufactured in industries of Rawrage Enhancement


You can achieve a greater physique by using RAD140 SARM. Just use it in recommended and mentioned dosage so that u can gain the benefits by reducing the harmful risk of side effects. You should give at least 1-2 months gap after your RAD140 cycle so that your body recovers fast.

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